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Arizona Promotional Products Association

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  • AzPPA Farmers Market Promo Show!

AzPPA Farmers Market Promo Show!

  • Wednesday, April 09, 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Fairytale Brownies, 4610 E Cotton Center Blvd., Phoenix


  • Please register your company with one person's name, we will charge $20 for the first person and other people would be included in that. Our membership runs for the company and not the individual. If you register for membership at the show, we will refund your $20.


Come join us for out 5th Annual Outdoor Show!

Come out and see your favorite promo farmers in action! 

We will have a coffee truck again and lunch will be provided so plan on spending the day with us!  We will have drawings going on all day - must be present to win.

We are also taking donations for a food drive!  Please bring five non-perishable food items and we will give you a hat from Outdoor Cap!

There will be a cost for non-member companies to join us.  Please consider joining our association and seeing what we have to offer!  

The Arizona Promotional Products Association (AzPPA) is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
Mailing Only: PO Box 21302, Cheyenne WY 82003

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