Join us as we team up with distributors to Swing for the Fences!
We are excited to host a table top show in the Scottsdale Stadium. We will be in the enclosed Fieldhouse and will be offering professional development over the lunch hour.
Base Hit - $500 for one 8' table
There are a couple of requirements in order to participate in this year's show.
- You must be a current member of AzPPA! If you are not a current member you can join us here. If you need to renew your membership, simply log into your account here.
- You must agree to personally invite YOUR customers! This was effective for getting extra attendees at our outdoor show.
Schedule of events:
Monday, August 22
3:00-8:00 - Supplier load in and some shenanigans field side.
Tuesday, August 23
8:00 - Suppliers arrival and final move in.
9:00 - 12:00 - Distributor registration and show time
12:00 - 1:00 - Professional Development & lunch - Speaker panel
1:00 - 3:00 - Distributor registration and show time
3:00 - Supplier tear down
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Show sponsor - $1,000. This opportunity includes listing on all marketing materials, 10 minute presentation at the beginning of the lunchtime professional development, featured on overhead screen, sponsor sign in your booth and at the door and company logo on the AzPPA website.
Grand Prize - $300
Education - $250
Beverage Station - $100 - SOLD OUT. Thank you Langton Marketing Group and iPROMOTEu!
We are also looking for sponsors for show items. We are in need of:
- Bags - 200
- Hand sanitizer - 200 - SOLD OUT! Thank you Evans!
- Lip balm - 200 - SOLD OUT! Thank you Raining Rose!
- Pens - 200 - SOLD OUT! Thank you Goldstar!
- Lanyards - 300 - SOLD OUT! Thank you Blankenship Marketing Group
- Name badges - 300 - SOLD OUT! Thank you IDLine!
- Signage - TBD
- Notebooks - 200
- Sunglasses - 200
All sponsors will be listed in pre-show and event marketing.
We look forward to seeing you!